I recently was reminded of a story...
The lady was talking about losing two different careers due to the unfortunate circumstance of the companies going out of business. Her words narrated the fact that she didn’t know what she was going to do because, “no one will hire a 57 year old person, especially a lady.”
I began to think of how I would respond to her and others who feel the same way. Pretty common theme here, in that we always tend to create a false narrative around our circumstance, almost as if to place us as a victim. We cannot focus on what was, what used to be, what was had and what was lost - we have to focus on NOW. What have you brought with you to this point? Remove yourself from yesterday. Only bring forth your value. Your valuable thoughts, your valuable experiences. That lost job was not the end of the line, but rather, a starting line of infinite possibilities. Your time of mourning that lost job or opportunity is gone… it is time for REINVENTION.
The Dictionary defines “Invent” as a verb which means to create or define something that has not existed before. Through life we, have be given the opportunity of daily invention, but we rarely consider this fact until something happens that forces us to open our eyes to this gift. We dispose of our valuable time passed without appreciating the actions of unique invention that we all possess. Although the possession of self invention has been neglected, we are given a chance to reinvent ourselves, to create or define the new. The commitment to the new, processed and brought to life by the cylindrical thoughts and actions of positivity
and gratitude, will begin to rise and present itself. However, this process will not be without the presence of fear, anxiety, or the feeling of being stuck. The key is knowing these feelings will disintegrate over time below the ashes of the old and give way to the reinvention of the new you.